Monday, January 11, 2010

Little Red Riding Hood

Hello, students!

We are going to start telling traditional stories.

We all know Little Red Riding Hood. We can practise many different skills telling stories, and our children can learn parts of the body, we can also perform the story with the different characters as puppets, and many other activities.

Let's try some of them.


  1. Would choose small or big? because it seems interesting to work with sizes and make pictures is a good tool.

    They would like.

  2. I choose the flashcards or puppets, because I think that with puppets children can play and with flascards they can see the pictures better.

  3. I would make the activity of big and small with children 3 years or approximately.
    I think it can be a fun activity. They learn new concepts that are very important.

    I think children would participate much in this activity.

  4. I think that the best activities are flashcards and puppets because they are a good way to learn the caracters of the story and they enjoy a lot the children.

  5. I have chosen the bingo activity for children to 4-5 years old.Because it is a funny activity that they have to concentrate and look at the pictures.

  6. I like the colour activity because children like colouring. I can do this activity whith all age.

  7. I would choose the flashcards and while I tell the story I stick on the wall.

  8. I think the best activity is colouring because the children of three years can colour all the pictures.

  9. I think that children like stories ,so that I prepare the story little red riding hood with flashcards and puppets. children will be happy! and they pay attention

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I choose flashcards. I would explain the story with flashcards.

  12. For these story "little red riding hood" .I choose the food activities. It can be very funny and they can learn the food vocabulary.

  13. I chose the flashcards of the body because I think it is very easy and funny for the children learn parts of the body when you tell the story.

  14. My choice is WHAT HAVE I GOT IN MY BASKET?
    Is a good activity to do with small children. Help them to pay atention and be expecting the teacher answer. We use a easy vocabulary they probably know as well.

  15. In my opinion the best activity for small children is colour the characters because they like a lot paint and they can choose the colours.

  16. The activity that I like is where children can interpret the story. They will tell the story, here is a story simple and teh children will laugh a lot.

  17. the best activity that I have found is the pupeets buit it is also that of making a drawing of the one that they have liked more of the history. from 3 years.

  18. I choose the activity Vocabulary Checklist for children of six years, because I think that the children can learn to read, say and write the words of the story.
